Author: Croutch Family

  • Wrapping up 2024

    Wrapping up 2024

    The end of 2024 is upon us. We have safely arrived at Durban, another transition in a year of transitions for us. Thankfully, we all avoided seasickness. The Durban, South Africa shipyards are not as civilian-friendly as our pier in Toamasina is. Looking back, it’s incredible to think about some of our tremendous obstacles and…

  • Ready to set sail

    Ready to set sail

    As we pack up and get the Africa Mercy ready to set sail, we look back and see how God worked over this past year. He has faithfully provided for our needs and for the patient’s needs. This field service we provided over 700 surgeries despite having the hospital closed for a short time! People…

  • When new becomes normal

    When new becomes normal

    We first arrived in Antananarivo on July 29th and stepped aboard the Africa Mercy for the first time on July 30th. As October wrapped up, so did the first three months of our time with Mercy Ships. As a family, we’re experiencing the transition from something new and exciting into something that feels routine in…

  • Growing in God’s Mission

    Growing in God’s Mission

    We have been given the tremendous task of bringing hope and healing to the forgotten poor in Madagascar. In reality, we ourselves are realizing the hope and healing that God has for us each day. It has been incredibly exciting to watch Africa Mercy become a hub of excitement and activity, filled with teams of…

  • Protocol signed!

    Protocol signed!

    Praise God! It came down to the last moments, but we heard at 6 pm Madagascar time on Sept. 4th that Mercy Ships received a signed protocol agreement from the Malagasy Government. This new agreement allows Mercy Ships to serve Madagascar until the end of 2025 as originally planned. The news is a relief to…

  • Update to our mission in Madagascar

    Update to our mission in Madagascar

    There’s an update we’ve had on our hearts to share for the last few weeks that we want to ask our supporters to join us in prayer for. We have had to be careful with sharing this particular information as there was a possibility of misinformation being spread which could have impacted the outcome. We…

  • Engaging with our mission

    Engaging with our mission

    We’d like to thank everyone who has followed and supported us so far in this journey. Sorry for the delays in our posts with updates and images. We’re hoping to get better at this, I promise! Getting settled into new routines, weekend adventures, and experiencing the mission firsthand continue to fill much of our time.…

  • Travel and arrival in Madagascar

    Travel and arrival in Madagascar

    The time finally came for us to wrap up our family onboarding at the Mercy Ships International Support Center in Lindale, Texas. We did two weeks of spiritual and cultural teaching during which God revealed himself in new ways to all of us. We were treated to a lot of insights into the history of…

  • Arrival in Texas, Basic Training and making new friends

    We arrived in Dallas Texas and were immediately greeted by two friendly fellow Mercy Ships volunteers, followed by the potent 43-degree heat. Texas in the summer is hot, and we’ve had to slowly adjust to walking around the beautiful Mercy Ships International Support Center campus. Our accommodation is a cozy three-bedroom cottage located next to…