Update to our mission in Madagascar

There’s an update we’ve had on our hearts to share for the last few weeks that we want to ask our supporters to join us in prayer for. We have had to be careful with sharing this particular information as there was a possibility of misinformation being spread which could have impacted the outcome. We are still waiting for a protocol to be signed by the Madagascar government.

A protocol is an official document that contains a series of agreements between a government and a private organization, like Mercy Ships. In our case, the protocol has the practical legal and economic agreements that enable Mercy Ships to operate a hospital and dock a ship in Madagascar. These agreements put the framework in place that are essential for operations and treatment to continue. Our protocol in Madagascar expires on Sept 5, 2024. Which is just days, hours, from now (Sept 3rd, 2024).

Mercy Ships has been trying to have a new protocol signed now for months and months. Unfortunately, the timing has been a challenge with a new government change-over happening recently. On board, the crew has prayed non-stop for a resolution. Local country engagement teams and senior leadership have tirelessly negotiated with the Malagasy government to establish a framework. We were made aware of the impending protocol expiry at the end of our orientation and have joined the crew in hoping for a fast resolution since.

Unfortunately, in order to ensure excellent care to our patients, the hospital team began making the incredibly difficult decision to cancel, or hopefully only postpone, surgeries. Some surgeries require weeks or months of recovery, it wouldn’t be fair to these patients to perform surgeries and have the protocol expire before they’d completed recovery. Without a protocol we lose our ability to offer medical services in the country. That means as of Sept 2nd, the hospital on the Africa Mercy was closed. It’s our hope the hospital will reopen again at the beginning of October, fully staffed, and ready to finish our service strong with a signed protocol.

We ask for you to join us in prayer as we seek God’s will in this uncertain time. We ask for patience as we wait for the government to sign the protocol. Pray that God would speak to medical staff around the world so they would come serve both on the Africa Mercy, and the Global Mercy – which just opened for surgery in Sierra Leone today (Sept 3rd, 2024). Both hospitals need medical staff, and support staff, of all expertise. Lastly, we pray that the hospital on the Africa Mercy will reopen quickly, and we again provide the hope and healing the Malagasy people need.


5 responses to “Update to our mission in Madagascar”

  1. Anne Maier Avatar
    Anne Maier

    Thanks for the update. My prayers are with you that this situation will be rectified. God bless.

  2. Carroll Croutch Avatar
    Carroll Croutch

    So sorry to hear of this difficulty. We will add our prayers to yours.

  3. Don & Darlene Gregory Avatar
    Don & Darlene Gregory

    Be assured of our prayers.

  4. Dan, I sincerely hope there is a swift resolution to this, and a protocol is signed soon.

    The work you and everyone aboard are doing is so important and so critical to all those you help

    Sending strength and hope your way

  5. Thanks for sharing and be assured of our prayers.

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